ISTH Members Elect Council Class of 2030

ISTH Members Elect Council Class of 2030

The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) announces that Society members have elected five new Council members to the Council Class of 2030.

Serving the ISTH as a Council member is an important role. As members of the governing body of the ISTH, Councilors lead the Society in developing and carrying out the organization’s strategic plan, prioritizing objectives and setting the policy framework in alignment with the Society’s mission, core values, and diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

ISTH Councilors draw upon their diverse backgrounds and scientific specializations to serve as ambassadors for the Society, promoting the ISTH, its programs and activities among their region and the global thrombosis and hemostasis community.

The Council Class of 2030 will participate in their first Council meeting at the ISTH 2024 Congress in Bangkok, Thailand where the Council Class of 2024 will be rotating off for their Council term.

Please welcome the new ISTH Council Class of 2030:

  • Prof. Sabine Eichinger, M.D. – University Professor and Deputy Head Div. of Hematology and Hemostasis, Department of Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
  • Prof. Dr. Shinya Goto, M.D., Ph.D. – Professor, Department of Medicine (Cardiology), Tokai University School of Medicine Metabolic Disease Research Center, Tokai University Graduate School of Medicine, Kanagawa, Japan
  • Prof. Wolfgang Miesbach, M.D. – Head of the Department of Coagulation Disorders, the Comprehensive Care Haemophilia Centre and the Laboratory for Coagulation Disorders, University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Prof. Nicola Mutch, Ph.D. – Personal Chair, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K.
  • Dr. Fernanda Orsi, M.D., Ph.D. – Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Pathology, State University Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil
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