Receptor-bound plasminogen impacts on early platelet deposition and fibrin accumulation

Claire Whyte, Ph.D., B.Sc.
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen, U.K.

Expression of the transmembrane lysine-dependent plasminogen receptor, Plg-RKT, promotes the retention of plasminogen on the activated platelet surface in humans. Claire Whyte, Ph.D., B.Sc., assesses the role of platelet Plg-RKT in dictating thrombus dynamics. Ex vivo thrombi were formed using blood from Plg-RKT knockout mice and accumulation monitored by fluorescence microscopy. Additionally, in vivo thrombi were formed after FeCl injury to the carotid artery and tissue plasminogen activator was infused. This study concludes that Plg-RKT facilitates plasminogen accumulation within thrombi.

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