Using artificial intelligence to disrupt the VWF-GPIBα interaction in platelet-type von Willebrand disease

Thomas David Daniel Kazmirchuk, Ph.D.
Carleton University
Ottawa, Canada

Platelet-type von Willebrand disease (PT-VWD) is a disease with a functionally defective surface platelet glycoprotein-1B alpha (GP1BαFD). Thomas David Daniel Kazmirchuck, Ph.D., in this presentation used In-Silico Protein Synthesizer (InSiPS) to design small peptides that disrupt the interaction between GP1BαFD and its receptor, von Willebrand clotting factor (VWF). Twenty-three peptides were generated, and specificity toward GPIBαG233V, M239V was assessed using differential scanning fluorimetry. In conclusion, AI-generated G14 peptide can bind to and disrupt the interaction between GPIBαG233V, M239V and VWF.

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